It’s finally here- SUMMER! That means that your furry friends will want to go outside more, and when they do there are things we need to be careful of to keep our pets healthy, happy pets. Whether you are walking your dog consistently or using the help of a local dog walking company, the safety, and care of all the animals should be a priority.
Below are some things to keep in mind during summer walks from Madison Animal Care Hospital and the RSPCA :
Try to avoid consistent pavement exposure when it’s a sunny day. The hot asphalt can burn the dog’s pads on the bottom of their paws
Make sure to bring plenty of water for both you and the dog(s).
Try to avoid long periods of sun exposure. If possible, allow the dog to walk in the shade and/or grass or dirt.
Try to go for longer walks earlier in the morning or after the sun has started to go down to avoid heatstroke. Try to avoid running or cycling on overly hot days.
Don’t leave your dog in the car on a hot day.
Use Pet-Safe sunscreen
Regularly groom your dog. Mats and knotted hair can lead to overheating when the dog is in the sun.
Abiding by these care options will help ensure your dog still gets to enjoy outside walks or playtime, while still ensuring their health and safety are a top priority. If you need to take your dog for a long walk during the hottest part of the day, please take the time to learn the symptoms of heatstroke, as well as burned paw pads. The RSPCA website contains a list of symptoms to look for.
High-energy dog long walks and pack walks can still occur during the summer and warm months. Knowing what to look out for and ensuring your pet is safe while it’s hot is the key to ensuring your pet has a long, happy, healthy life.